立达行座右铭: 礼比酒肴, 元升康健
LeeDaHang Motto
Securing fine wine and authentic food for happy longevity in applying Chinese traditional wisdom out of I-Ching
More briefing about the motto:
Humbly differentiating LeeDaHang own branded liquors and food to serve people for healthier, happier and longer life by understanding and in the heritage of Chinese I-Ching wisdom including Bi Gua ( water on earth phenomenon), Sheng Gua (wood underneath earth phenomenon), Qian Gua (sky or heaven) and Kun Gua (earth).
人外有人天外有天。立达行允诺同中求异,努力格物致知, 以谦卑心态礼节应对人和物各自的差异, 践行科学养生。
立达行允诺努力认知和承载华夏古老智慧: 以易经比卦做导引,努力做大平台,效仿水和大地的相处之道,与立达行的利益攸关方,诸如投资方,酒庄酒厂以及客户和员工等营造亲密无间互动共赢的长期合作。有孚盈缶,诚信经营,盈科而进,捕捉开启酒肴新商机。通过内比(自试自讼)和外比(见贤思齐), 不断完善自我。 弃逆取顺,顺天休命,不遗余力,显比奉献,以期内圣外王。
立达行允诺努力认知和承载华夏古老智慧: 以易经升卦做导引:脚踏实地,诚信经营。按部就班,积沙成塔。禴待志同道合, 礼敬弃逆之士。虚怀若谷,顺势而为。在日新月异的今天,努力鉴别把握时与势,顺行知止。
立达行允诺努力认知和承载华夏古老智慧: 立达行奉行以诚信贯彻始终,同时亦将以“元”为代表的易经乾卦坤卦为导引,秉承元亨利贞的智慧:奉元行事,以仁开拓,以礼通达,以义顺遂美好,以期基业常青。
1. Participation creates values
The stakeholders of LEEDAHANG consist of maritime alumni of different maritime universities, who are committed to supporting UNIMEX.ORG financially with the return of LEEDAHANG sustainability.
LEEDAHANG is committed to its members with premium quality liquors at the most affordable price
UNIMEX members are most welcome to join LEEDAHANG as shareholders or simply investors.
2. CSR – Corporate social responsibility
Being a giver to benefit others and thereafter benefit oneself as well
None of the investors of LEEDAHANG takes this alcohol business as its only business for a living. Instead, investors are volunteers in sponsoring UNIMEX at their best.
3. Part-time but full accountability
Most of the employees and management team members are on a part-time basis but with full accountability. A new way of employment and management are in the process to be set up and for improvement for new business in the coming years.